Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Past Continuous Tense

Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kejadian lain terjadi.

S + was/were + Verb I (ing) + ……
Affirmative (+) : S + be(was/were) + V1-ing/present participle  
Negative (-) : S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present participle
Interrogative (?) : be(was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?

Untuk membuat kalimat Tanya (interrogative) maka was/were diletakkan di muka subjek. Untuk membuat kalimat menyangkal (negative) maka setelah to be (was/were) ditambah = NOT (N’T)

Contoh :
(+) I was reading book when father watched tv.
(-) I was not reading book when father watched tv.
(?) Was I reading book when father watched tv?
(-?) Was I not reading book when father watched tv?

(+) The team was running
(-) The team was not running
(?) Was the team running?
(-?) Was the team not running?

(+) I was writing letter when father read a magazine
(-) I was not writing letter when father read a magazine
(?) Was I writing letter when father read a magazine?
(-?) Was I not writing letter when father read a magazine? 

Penggunaan Past Continuous Tense :

a.       Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa yang sudah dimulai dan masih tetap berlangsung ketika kejadian lain terjadi di waktu lampau.

·         When she came to my house, I was listening the radio.
·         I was reading when she met me.
·         When he arrived at my house, I was listening the radio.
·         She was writing when he met me.

b.      Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau.

·         They were studying English all morning last Monday.
·         Yudi was watching tv the whole night last Sunday.
·         We were practicing dancing all morning last Monday.
·         Andika was listening the radio the whole night last Sunday.

Tanda waktu (signal time) yang biasa digunakan :  
·         When                                       : Ketika (diikuti dengan past tense).
·         While                                       : Selagi (diikuti dengan past tense).
·         As                                            : Ketika.
·         All day yesterday                    : Sepanjang hari kemarin.
·         The whole day last Sunday      : Sepanjang hari minggu yang lalu. 

   Referensi : Materi Bahasa Inggris Past Continous Tense

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