Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang
sedang berlangsung pada waktu lampau ketika kejadian lain terjadi.
S + was/were
+ Verb I (ing) + ……
Negative (-)
: S + be(was/were) + not + V1-ing/present participle
(?) : be(was/were) + S + V1-ing/present participle?
membuat kalimat Tanya (interrogative) maka was/were diletakkan di muka subjek.
Untuk membuat kalimat menyangkal (negative) maka setelah to be (was/were)
ditambah = NOT (N’T)
Contoh :
(+) I was
reading book when father watched tv.
(-) I was
not reading book when father watched tv.
(?) Was I
reading book when father watched tv?
(-?) Was I
not reading book when father watched tv?
(+) The team
was running
(-) The team
was not running
(?) Was the
team running?
(-?) Was the
team not running?
(+) I was
writing letter when father read a magazine
(-) I was
not writing letter when father read a magazine
(?) Was I
writing letter when father read a magazine?
(-?) Was I
not writing letter when father read a magazine?
Past Continuous Tense :
Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan
suatu peristiwa yang sudah dimulai dan masih tetap berlangsung ketika kejadian
lain terjadi di waktu lampau.
When she came to my house, I was listening the radio.
I was reading when she met me.
When he arrived at my house, I was listening the
She was writing when he met me.
Untuk menyatakan suatu perbuatan
atau peristiwa yang sedang terjadi di waktu lampau.
They were studying English all morning last Monday.
Yudi was watching tv the whole night last Sunday.
We were practicing dancing all morning last Monday.
Andika was listening the radio the whole night last
Tanda waktu (signal time) yang
biasa digunakan :
: Ketika (diikuti dengan past tense).
: Selagi (diikuti dengan past tense).
As : Ketika.
All day yesterday
: Sepanjang hari kemarin.
The whole day last Sunday : Sepanjang hari minggu
yang lalu.
Referensi : Materi Bahasa Inggris Past Continous Tense